Selected Publications
Selected Publications
- Rapid Spatial Aggregation, M. Loecher, M. Kumar, Communications in Computer and Information Science 499:192-206, July 2015.
- Noise Sustained Patterns: Fluctuations and Nonlinearities, M. Loecher, World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics, World Scientific (2003).
Refereed Articles (sel.)
Mood and the malleability of moral reasoning: the impact of irrelevant factors on judicial decisions.; Chen, Daniel L. and Markus Loecher, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2025): 102364.
Tree Smoothing: Post-hoc Regularization of Tree Ensembles for Interpretable Machine Learning; Bastian Pfeifer, Arne Gevaert, Markus Loecher, Andreas Holzinger, Information Sciences, Vol. 690, 121564, ISSN 0020-0255 (2025).
Debiasing SHAP scores in random forests; Loecher, Markus, AStA Adv Stat Anal (2023).
Are SHAP values biased towards high-entropy features?; Raphael Baudeu, Marvin Wright and Markus Loecher, ECML PKDD Workshop on XKDD, Grenoble (2022).
Approximation of SHAP values for Randomized Tree Ensembles, Loecher, Markus, Dingyi Lai and Qi Wu, CD-MAKE (2022).
Debiasing MDI Feature Importance and SHAP values in Tree Ensembles, Loecher, Markus, CD-MAKE (2022)
The Perils of Misspecified Priors and Optional Stopping in Multi-Armed Bandits, Loecher, Markus, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4 (2021).
Unbiased variable importance for random forests, Loecher, Markus, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (2020): 1-13.
Real-world insights on public charging demand and infrastructure use from electric vehicles Hardinghaus, Michael, Markus Löcher, and John E. Anderson. Environmental Research Letters 15.10 (2020): 104030. (Won an internal DLR price )
RgoogleMaps and loa: unleashing R graphics power on map tiles, Loecher, Markus, and Karl Ropkins. Journal of Statistical Software 63.4 (2015).
Controlling Stochastic Resonance, Luca Gammaitoni, Markus Löcher, Adi Bulsara, Peter Hänggi, Joseph Neff, Kurt Wiesenfeld and William Ditto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4574 (1999).
Noise enhanced propagation, J. F. Lindner, S. Chandramouli, A.R. Bulsara, M. Löcher, and W. L. Ditto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5048 (1998).
Stochastic Resonance in coupled nonlinear dynamic elements, M. Löcher, D. Cigna, E. R. Hunt, G. A. Johnson, F. Marchesoni, L. Gammaitoni, A. R. Bulsara and M. E. Inchiosa, CHAOS 8, 604 (1998).
Noise sustained propagation of a signal in coupled bistable electronic elements, M. Löcher, D. Cigna and E. R. Hunt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5212 (1998).
Control of high-dimensional chaos in systems with symmetry, M. Löcher and E. R. Hunt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 63 (1997).
Spatiotemporal Stochastic Resonance in a System of Coupled Diode Resonators, M. Löcher, G. A. Johnson and E. R. Hunt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4698 (1996).
Parametric feedback resonance in chaotic systems, H. G. Schuster, E. Niebur, E.R. Hunt, G. A. Johnson, M. Löcher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 400 (1996).