Both on Nicolas Hug's post as well as on this stackexchange discussion the instructions for computing PDP measures for trees efficiently follow Friedman's original instructions:
For regression trees based on single-variable splits, however, the partial dependence of $f(X)$ on a specified target variable subset $X_S$ is straightforward to evaluate given only the tree, without reference to the data itself. For a specific set of values for the variables $X_S$, a weighted traversal of the tree is performed. At the root of the tree, a weight value of $1$ is assigned. For each nonterminal node visited, if its split variable is in the target subset $X_S$, the appropriate left or right daughter node is visited and the weight is not modified. If the node’s split variable is a member of the complement subset $X_C$, then both daughters are visited and the current weight is multiplied by the fraction of training observations that went left or right, respectively, at that node.
Each terminal node visited during the traversal is assigned the current value of the weight. When the tree traversal is complete, the value of $f_S(X_S)$ is the corresponding weighted average of the $f(X)$ values over those terminal nodes visited during the tree traversal.
In sklearn this is translated as follows:
For each row in
a tree traversal is performed. Each traversal starts from the root with weight 1.0.At each non-terminal node that splits on a target variable either the left child or the right child is visited based on the feature value of the current sample and the weight is not modified. At each non-terminal node that splits on a complementary feature both children are visited and the weight is multiplied by the fraction of training samples which went to each child.
At each terminal node the value of the node is multiplied by the current weight (weights sum to 1 for all visited terminal nodes).
Both in his paper and in the ESLII book, Friedman elaborates on how the conditional $E[f(x_S,X_C)|X_S=x_s]$ is different from the interventional $E[f(x_S,X_C)| \mathbf{do}(X_S=x_s)]$.
I believe that the current sklearn implementation is in fact computing the conditional expectation $E[f(x_S,X_C)|X_S=x_s]$ !
In fact in both of the above recipes we should switch the roles of $X_S$ and $X_C$, i.e. visit both chidren of $X_S$.
import seaborn
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn import tree
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.inspection import PartialDependenceDisplay, partial_dependence
titanic = seaborn.load_dataset("titanic")
titanic["P1"] = titanic["pclass"] == 1
# Create and fit the Decision Tree regressor
clf = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2), titanic["survived"]);
The partial dependence on any feature can simply be computed via its definition: $$\bar{f}_s(x_S) = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N{f(x_S,x^{(i)}_{C})}$$
Brute Force "by hand":
def my_pdp(X, features = ["adult_male", "P1"], vals = [False, True]):
pdp = {features[0] : np.zeros(2),features[1] : np.zeros(2)}
for i, f in enumerate(features):
for j, v in enumerate(vals):
X_do = X.copy()#make a copy of the data
X_do.iloc[:,i] = v
pHat = clf.predict(X_do)
pdp[f][j] = np.mean(pHat)
#df = pd.DataFrame(pdp, index = vals, columns = vals)
#df.index.set_names(features[0], inplace = True)
#df.columns.set_names(features[1], inplace = True)
return pdp
{'adult_male': array([0.70656908, 0.16893108]), 'P1': array([0.31367542, 0.59773396])}
Full agreement with the partial dependence values computed by partial_dependence
when we choose brute search:
features = ["adult_male", "P1"]
for f in features:
pdp = partial_dependence(clf, X, f,method = "brute")
print(f, pdp)
adult_male {'average': array([[0.70656908, 0.16893108]]), 'values': [array([False, True])]} P1 {'average': array([[0.31367542, 0.59773396]]), 'values': [array([False, True])]}
But when we set method = "recursion"
we obtain different answers, in fact we get $E[f(X_S,X_C)|X_S=x_s]$ which is simply the average prediction on the subset of terminal nodes reached by the conditional data:
features = ["adult_male", "P1"]
for f in features:
pdp = partial_dependence(clf, X, f,method = "recursion")
print(f, pdp)
adult_male {'average': array([[0.71751412, 0.16387337]]), 'values': [array([False, True])]} P1 {'average': array([[0.31367542, 0.59773396]]), 'values': [array([False, True])]}
The following is a sketch of a recursive algorithm which I believe would correctly compute the interventional PDP in one pass over the training data (for all $X_S$):
At the root of the tree, a weight value of $w=0$ is assigned. For each nonterminal node visited, if its split variable is in the complement subset $X_C$, the appropriate left or right daughter node is visited and the weight is not modified. If the node’s split variable is a member of the target subset $X_S$, then both daughters are visited and the corresponding number of (training) samples are added to the respective weight $w$.
Each terminal node visited during the traversal is assigned the current value of the weight divived by the total number of observations. When the tree traversal is complete, the value of $f_S(X_S)$ is the corresponding weighted average of the $f(X)$ values over those terminal nodes visited during the tree traversal.
While this scheme does need to pass the entire training data, that cost is mitigated by two factors:
Also, the original idea
At each non-terminal node that splits on a complementary feature both children are visited
can still be put to good use to determine the set of terminal regions $T(X_S)$ that can be reached by data points of the form $(X_S,x_C)$ for some $x_C$ $T(X_S)$ can be computed by following both children of nodes that split on variables in C.
The generalized boosting package gbm in R offers the plot.gbm
function which
"selects a grid of points and uses the weighted tree traversal method described in Friedman (2001) to do the integration"
The partial dependence package pdp in R offers the partial
function with the Boolean recursive
argument which
"indicating whether or not to use the weighted tree traversal method described in Friedman (2001). This only applies to objects that inherit from class
. Default is TRUE which is much faster than the exact brute force approach used for all other models."
I have reproduced the example of how correlations between features lead to real differences in the two PDP versions here